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Are you the victim of a security incident? Contact our CERT

I need to

Opt for efficient reconstruction and optimal recovery of your operations

When things have gone wrong, the temptation is strong to rebuild as quickly as possible, whatever the cost, sometimes forgetting about security and thinking that a security incident that has impacted production is just another production incident. Our mission: to help you restore your operations and your business as quickly as possible, without forgetting the risk that your adversaries are still out there!

Impaired capabilities and services restoration

Mobilize the right level of expertise to return to normal in the best possible conditions

Once the fire is out and the dust is settling, when the CERTs disengage and the “hot” crisis management ends, a long road begins to restore services and enable the professions to do their jobs and the organization to fulfill its missions.

Finding the right path, taking advantage of the situation to transform and rebuild for the better, all this after trying days and even weeks with exhausted teams: reconstruction is a delicate stage where it’s tempting to take shortcuts that put the company at risk.

Almond’s support at this stage involves mobilizing consultants who can help you plan, make the right architectural and restoration logic choices, and support your technical teams in implementation.

Resilience optimization

The art of bouncing back!

It’s essential to learn the right lessons from a crisis to improve your resilience and better face the next crisis.

Almond’s experts will support you in the post-mortem analysis of a crisis or security incident, then in the development and follow-up of an action plan.

A wide range of missions

We work on a wide variety of projects:
  • Total or partial reconstruction
  • Information system transformation and post-crisis outsourcing
  • Resilience consulting
  • Assistance and delegation of IT, Cloud and cyber security resources

Find out more about our expertise

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