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Are you the victim of a security incident? Contact our CERT


Flash Maturity Assessment

Identify your overall security level and improve your practices

An approach that enables you to quickly reduce
the main IT risks.

An analytical approach to meet the following challenges:

  • To what main IT risks is my activity exposed?
  • What actions must be taken to reduce the risks?
  • How to organize IT security in my organization?
  • Which internal and external actors can handle these actions?

Our offer

Best security practices

  • Cyber security assessment
    based on recognized standards
    (National Agency for
    Information Systems Security)
  • Identification of the main
    risks based on the findings,
    for example:
    • Ransomware leading to a
      stop of the activity,
    • Phishing enabling
      massive data extraction

Action plan

  • Identification of the
    organization’s security
    improvement points
  • Identification of concrete
    short and medium term
    actions enabling the organization to reduce
    its IT risks
  • Identification of internal
    and external actors enabling
    the organization to increase
    its security skills in order to
    implement the action plan

Security level

  • The identification of your main
    risks and an action plan
    will enable you to have a view on:
    • your current security level
    • in the short term
    • in the medium term
  • We also propose to include
    in your security level
    referentials such as
    the ISO27001 standard or the GDPR.

The benefits

Identify your main IT risks

Have a short and medium term
action plan

Improve the level of security

Our value proposition

Pragmatic action plan close to the operational teams

Adaptation to a wide range of contexts and sectors of activity

(Option) Support for multiple standards such as ISO27001, GDPR…

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