Almond is listed in SWIFT’s directory of assessment service providers* linked to the Customer Security Programme, and can assist you with your independent assessments under the CSP (Customer Security Programme) and the CSCF (Customer Security Controls Framework).
* SWIFT does not certify, guarantee, endorse or recommend any listed supplier; it is the responsibility of the SWIFT user to determine whether the supplier meets all the criteria necessary to adequately assist the user in complying with Customer Security Programme (CSP) controls.
A structured approach to address your challenges related to the SWIFT CSP program:
Understand your existing situation and define a remediation plan to achieve compliance
Assist you in the follow-up and implementation of remediation actions
Independently assess you and prepare the attestation to SWIFT
Build a sustainable compliance management framework that is finely tuned to your security objectives
Our offer
Be compliant…
Review of the existing situation: services and architectures in place, results of previous assessments, actions in progress
Identification of residual gaps
Update of your compliance level
Formalization of a remediation plan containing the actions to be taken before the assessment
Assistance in the follow-up of remediations and/or their implementation be assessed…
Scoping: review of the architecture type and scope and validation of applicable requirements
Complete assessment of the implementation of the CSCF requirements: document analysis, interviews, site visits, process observation, configurations inspection
Delivery of an audit report
Preparation of the certificate for SWIFT
...before optimizing
Compliance management in connection with your other obligations and ISS initiatives: capitalization on your governance and SSI processes in a multi-repository approach to promote rationality and facilitate the daily work of your teams, support for the implementation of an evidence repository, continuous pre-assessment of critical evidence