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Are you the victim of a security incident? Contact our CERT


Raising awareness, why?


  • Bring about lasting changes in mentality
  • By becoming aware of the dangers by capitalizing on:
    • Concrete scenarios taken from real life which allow the learner to fully understand the message
    • Acquired practice and the sharing of experiences from both professional and private settings, to reduce risks for the company’s IS


  • By choosing the means best suited to your context, your audience and your objectives:
    • +/- participatory
    • +/- progressive
    • +/- demanding

From turnkey to tailor-made


An asynchronous mode to raise awareness among as many people as possible, and continuous

  • Ideal for integrating new arrivals into awareness programs and covering all employees
  • BYCE: our turnkey SaaS solution dedicated to cyber awareness
  • Tailored content:
    • In response to legal, regulatory or normative requirements, business, methodological or strategic needs or identified and prioritized risks
    • Delivery of storyboards or SCORM modules

Awareness sessions

To maintain human contact and develop a business vision

  • Face-to-face or remote sessions
  • Raise awareness among all staff of a specific subject and explain how it is taken into account within the company
    • Example: phishing, GDPR, security policy, transformation project
  • Raise awareness among a specific population (finance officers, accounting, developers, project managers, etc.) about a subject in an appropriate manner:
    • Example: attacks on the bank details, attacks on the president, secure development, integrating security into projects, contributing to risk management

Communication media

To complete awareness-raising and training actions

  • Flyers, infographics, communication messages complete the educational program
  • Transmit a single and clear message to all employees of the company

Contact Almond Institute

+33 (0)7 64 42 71 56

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