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Are you the victim of a security incident? Contact our CERT


Major incident and
cyber crisis management

Be prepared for the unexpected

Support your organization and your teams in dealing with security incidents
and cyber crises
(IS unavailability, loss of data confidentiality, etc.)

Support to learn how to react in a crisis:

  • By structuring the organization of incident and crisis management
  • By preparing your teams to face it calmly
  • Independently assess you and prepare the attestation to SWIFT
  • Build a sustainable compliance management framework that is finely tuned to your security objectives

Our offer


  • Analyze risks to define priority cyber crisis scenarios.
  • Evaluate existing incident and crisis processes and the consistency of the processes between them.
  • Structure the incident and crisis management process.
  • Write the incident and/or crisis management plans.
  • Write the personal data breach management plan.
  • Structure the crisis communication strategy.


  • Conduct customized and scalable crisis management exercises for all business functions:
    • Customized scenarios based on your priorities and your environment
    • Exercise methods adapted to your maturity: assisted tabletop exercise, crisis simulation with stimuli, etc.
    • Objectives chosen in advance to identify strengths and areas for improvement
  • Hot and cold feedback
  • Carry out awareness sessions to understand the management of security incidents and/or crisis management.
  • Carry out training sessions on incident management within the IT department; and/or on crisis management (top management, DPO, CISO, etc.).


  • Analyze, contain, eradicate and restore your operations in the best conditions with the CERT CWATCH team:
    • Response to a major Forensic incident
    • Reverse engineering of malware
    • Research of compromises
    • Implementation and operation of dedicated internal CSIRTs
  • Supporting field teams and top management in crisis management:
    • Advice on organizational actions to be deployed
    • Support in defining the crisis communication strategy and proposing the drafting of messages

The benefits

Validate the requirements of crisis management standards

Prepare stakeholders to manage incidents and crises in an organized and not improvised way

Create a real operational process for incident
and crisis management

Our value proposition

Animated sessions to promote skill development

Focus on efficient,

In-house experts in information security and crisis management

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