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Are you the victim of a security incident? Contact our CERT

I need

Don't stay on your own, take immediate action with our experts.

Despite all our investments and efforts, you may find yourself in situations where things get out of hand, out of control and in crisis. At such times, Almond’s commitment is to stand by your side to manage the situation as best we can, prevent it from happening again, learn from it and prepare as best we can for a return to normal.

CERT : Computer Emergency Response Team

Hire major incident response experts when things go wrong for you

The Almond CWATCH CERT, part of the French CERT community (InterCERT France) and in liaison with the authorities, the National Police and the Gendarmerie, has the mission of being on the front line in major incident situations to:

  • Analyze the situation
  • Investigate, forensic and gather evidence
  • Coordinate operations with crisis management and the authorities
  • End the attack
  • Eradicate the adversary and its technical resources
  • Support the return to normalcy and reconstruction

Cyber Crisis Management

Don’t let panic take control

Major cyber incidents trigger difficult crisis management, particularly because of the uncertainty, the fog of war, and the malicious and reactive human intelligence that must be taken into account.

Whether the management of a cyber crisis has been prepared or not, whether all the teams are trained or not, these situations are more easily overcome by mobilizing external expertise, bringing method, serenity, freshness and an outside viewpoint.

In addition to CERT, Almond can provide you with cyber crisis management expertise and tools:

  • Crisis coordination
  • Communication and action/decision logging tools
  • Support for internal and external communication (customers, suppliers, authorities, regulators, etc.)
  • Assistance with legal and insurance implications

Post compromise mitigation & improvement

Get rapidly deployable services to adapt your defenses and information systems during a crisis

In the heat of the moment, to stem an attack, lock down entry points to block possible adversary actions, or support broad investigations into numerous technical assets, it is sometimes necessary to rapidly deploy solutions.

Almond, with its 400-strong skills pool and technology partnerships, can help you design, deploy and operate tailor-made systems:

  • Deployment and operation of an EDR to secure a fleet in an emergency.
  • Reconstruction of a healthy Active Directory in line with ANSSI recommendations
  • Emergency “move to cloud” operation to secure assets or facilitate post-compromise reconstruction

A wide range of missions

We work on a wide variety of projects:

  • Major incident response CERT mission
  • Compromise research / removal of doubt missions
  • Forensic / digital investigation missions
  • Software and malicious code reverse engineering missions
  • Crisis management support
  • Deployment of crisis management tools
  • Emergency deployment of customized security solutions and managed services

Find out more about our expertise

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