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My background

After completing a science preparatory course, I entered the Telecom Nancy engineering school. I then worked as a Systems and Network Engineer for a little over 5 years in another company, where we were outsourcing SMEs and VSEs. In 2018 I joined LiveXP, that became Rampar, then Almond as a Service Delivery Manager.

My missions and my daily routine

I’m the privileged contact for the customer and the Almond team, steering Almond’s services at the customer’s site, and formalizing the content.

The days follow one another but are not alike at Almond, my main recurring activities are:

  • Preparing steering and monitoring committees
  • Resuming scope changes for billing purposes
  • Monitoring the customer’s production status, ensuring that our contractual commitments are met.
  • I talk very regularly with the team and the production manager, the project engineer in charge of the customer, and of course with the customer… there’s not a day goes by that I don’t have him on the phone!

My job is to link the Almond technical and sales teams with the customer. I therefore play a key role in building a relationship of trust with my customers, so that our service goes as smoothly as possible for both us and them.

What I like most about my job

The fact that I’m constantly in contact with people from all walks of life: technical experts at Almond, sales and project managers, CIOs and business managers at our customers’ sites. We need to have an overview of what we are doing for the customer, and at the same time be familiar with the customers’ business to understand their issues. Each customer works in a different field, so you have to be versatile!

Technically, the work is very varied since we work on very different perimeters from one customer to another: network, system, at the customer’s site, in our datacenters and on Azure

The number 1 reason why I’d recommend Almond is undoubtedly for its human side : the team atmosphere is really great, whether it’s supporting each other through the tough times at work, or getting together over table soccer, MarioKart or an aperitif at the end of the day. The local management is very involved and very attentive, the premises are super nice, the terrace with barbecue and view of the Eiffel Tower and La Défense… I don’t know why you’re not already working at Almond. 😊

Job offers in my business unit

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