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Privacy policy and internal rules for Almond Institute

Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy is directed to individuals using the services of Almond Institute or browsing the Almond Institute tab on the Almond website.
Almond’s privacy policy is addressed to persons using Almond’s services or browsing the Almond website.

Data controller

Almond, whose head office is located at Bâtiment Crisco Duo, 7 Avenue de la Cristallerie – 92310 Sèvres, France, registered with the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 841 059 553, is responsible for the data processing.

Collected data

Almond Institute limits the collection of personal data to the strict minimum. The personal data collected is processed using secure protocols.

This data is processed on the following legal bases:

  • Fulfillment of contract or pre-contractual obligations
  • Performance of a contract
  • The legitimate interests of the data controller, in particular the promotion of the training organization’s activities.
  • Consent

Purposes of processing

We use the personal data collected for the following main purposes:

  • Creation of user accounts on the BYCE platform
  • Registration of participants for distance/face-to-face training courses
  • Customer satisfaction survey
  • Customer satisfaction survey
  • Customer contact database development
  • Marketing and sales prospecting operations

Recipient of personal data

Personal data collected for the creation of user accounts on the BYCE platform and for training follow-up are transmitted to our Almond Institute employees involved in the creation of user accounts on the BYCE platform and in training follow-up, sales representatives and IT support.

Personal data collected on the basis of the performance of pre-contractual obligations and in particular the registration of participants in distance learning and face-to-face training sessions are transmitted to Almond Institute employees responsible for managing the registration of participants in distance learning/face-to-face training sessions and to Almond’s accounting department.

Personal data collected on the basis of the execution of a contract is transmitted to Almond Institute employees, sales representatives, Almond Institute’s accounting department and the certification body.

Personal data collected on the basis of legitimate interest, and in particular the promotion of the activities of the Almond Institute training organization, is forwarded to Almond sales representatives and consultants.

Personal data collected on the basis of legitimate interest, and in particular the development of a customer contact database, is passed on to Almond’s sales staff, consultants, accounting and invoicing departments.

Personal data collected on the basis of consent for marketing and sales prospecting operations are passed on to the people in charge of the marketing department and to Almond sales representatives.

Data transfer outside the European Union

All personal data is hosted in France and Europe. No personal data is transferred outside the European Union.

However, if our hosting contracts evolve and your personal data needs to be transferred to subcontractors located outside the European Union, we will ensure that the transfer of such data is governed by standard contractual clauses drawn up by the European Commission or, more generally, by legal mechanisms governing data transfers outside the European Union.

Exercising your rights

In accordance with the regulations on personal data, you have the following rights:

  • Right of access (provided for in Article 15 of the GDPR)
  • Right of rectification (provided for in Article 16 of the GDPR)
  • Right to erasure (provided for in Article 17 of the GDPR)
  • Right to limitation of processing (provided for in Article 18 of the GDPR)
  • Right to data portability (provided for in Article 20 of the GDPR)
  • Right to object (provided for in Articles 21 and 22 of the GDPR)

You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your data collected on the basis of your consent at any time.

You can consult the CNIL website for more information on your rights.

To exercise these rights or if you have any questions about how your personal data is processed, you can contact [email protected] by e-mail, specifying the subject of your request.

You can also write to us at the following address: Société Almond, Bâtiment Crisco Duo, 7 Avenue de la Cristallerie – 92310 Sèvres.

To guarantee the confidentiality of your personal data, we must verify your identity before replying. Therefore, any request to exercise your rights must be accompanied by a copy of your identity document.

You will receive a reply within one month of receipt of your request. Given the complexity of your request or the large number of requests we receive, this period may be extended to two months.

If you are not satisfied with the response, you may lodge a complaint with the CNIL: complaints.

Data retention period

Your personal data is kept for a period of time that complies with applicable legislation or is proportionate to the purposes for which it was collected. In addition, your personal data may be kept for a longer period when required by legal and regulatory obligations.

Security of personal data

Almond takes all necessary measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the personal data collected. In particular, Almond takes all measures to prevent damage to collected personal data and access by unauthorized third parties.

Physical access to our premises is secure. Our employees use encryption measures when they need to store personal data on their workstations.


A cookie is a string of information that may be transmitted to your browser by the server of the site you are visiting. It may contain several types of data, such as the name of the server that placed it, a unique identifier number, and possibly an expiry date. This information is sometimes stored on the computer in a simple text file which a server accesses to read and record information.

The storage of a cookie on your computer, smartphone or tablet is subject to your consent. You can modify your cookie settings at any time, free of charge, using the options provided by your browser.

Find the list of cookies on the dedicated page: Cookie management

Rules of procedure - scope of application

These rules apply to all trainees for the duration of the training course. Each trainee is deemed to have accepted the terms of the present regulations when following a training course provided by Almond Institute, and accepts that measures may be taken against him/her in the event of non-compliance.

In accordance with article R.6352-1 of the French Labor Code, when training takes place in an establishment that already has internal regulations, the health and safety measures applicable to trainees are those of the latter regulations.

Basics of the rules of procedure

The present Rules of Procedure are updated in line with changes in legislation, and in particular the provisions of Decree 2019-1143 of November 07, 2019 (Article 4). They comply with the provisions of articles L.6352-3 and 5 and R.6352-1 to 15 of the French Labor Code. Penalties are set out in articles L.6355-8 and 9 of the French Labor Code. These internal regulations are available to all trainees for consultation before they begin their training.

Information given to trainees prior to final registration

(In accordance with the provisions of article L6353.8 and 9 of the French Labor Code, amended by Law 2018-771 of September 05, 2018)

  • The operational objectives and content of the training course.
  • The list of trainers on your course.
  • Schedules.
  • Training assessment procedures.
  • Contact details in case of need.
  • Training rules and regulations.
  • Price.
  • Payment terms and financial conditions in the event of early termination of training or withdrawal during the course.

Furthermore, the information requested, in any form whatsoever, by a training organization from a candidate for a course as defined in article L6313-1 of the French Labor Code, or from a trainee, can only be used to assess his or her suitability to follow the training course, whether requested, offered or continued. Such information must have a direct and necessary link with the training program, and must be provided in good faith.


Almond Institute reserves the right to subcontract the creation, delivery and/or organization of its training courses. We are committed to maintaining Qualiopi quality standards with all our internal and external teams.

Registration (access to training)

Registration terms are specified on the training sheets. Registration is “intuitu personae”. No trainee may register in place of another, except with the prior agreement of Almond Institute (validation of profile and needs).

Assurance, commitment and abandonment

Trainees are required to attend all sequences scheduled by the training provider, assiduously (and punctually if face-to-face) and without interruption. Almond Institute undertakes to formalize and archive proof of training completion, and to provide trainees with a certificate of completion at the end of the course or on request.

Any absence on the part of the trainee, whether or not the customer, for whatever reason, must be announced and declared in writing, on a separate sheet of paper or by e-mail.

The provisions of article L6354-1 will apply (Article L6354-1 CT: In the event of total or partial non-performance of a training service, the organization providing the service shall reimburse the co-contractor for any sums unduly received as a result).

However, any training begun is due in full. In this case, a compensation fee will be invoiced (which means that the financial support will be cancelled).

Discipline, guarantees and sanctions

Documentation: The educational documentation provided during training sessions is protected by copyright and may not be used other than for strictly personal purposes. Reproduction by any means whatsoever is prohibited.

Responsibility for personal belongings: the training organization declines all responsibility for loss, theft or damage to personal belongings of any kind left by trainees on the training premises.

At Almond Institute, we assume that you are an adult, that you are responsible and that you will behave in a professional manner.

  • Correct dress and behavior
  • Active participation in individual and group sessions (including intersessional sessions if necessary)
  • Respect for the equipment, premises and software provided
  • No alcohol or drugs on site + no smoking except in designated areas

If necessary, Almond Institute may issue a reminder of the rules, and we’ll find a solution so that everyone can leave satisfied.

Regardless, preventing the risk of accidents and illnesses is imperative and requires everyone to fully comply with all applicable health and safety requirements. To this end, the general and specific safety instructions in force, where they exist, must be strictly respected under penalty of disciplinary sanctions.

Any action considered wrongful by Almond Institute may, depending on its nature and seriousness, be subject to one or other of the following sanctions in order of importance:

  • Written warning
  • Blame
  • Temporary or permanent exclusion from training


Accident: Any accident or incident occurring during or during training must be immediately reported by the injured trainee or the people who witnessed the accident to the head of the training organization or their representative. In accordance with article R.6343-3 of the Labor Code, an accident occurring to the trainee while he is at the training site or while he is going there or returning there, is subject to ‘a declaration by the head of the training organization to the Social Security Fund.

Fire instructions: Fire instructions and in particular a plan for locating fire extinguishers and emergency exits are posted in the training premises so that they are known to all trainees. They are required to immediately execute the evacuation order given by the course facilitator or by an employee of the establishment. The instructions in force in the establishment, to be observed in the event of danger and especially fire, must be scrupulously respected.

Representation of trainees

Representation of trainees election and ballot (according to the provisions of articles R6352.9 to 12 of the Labor Code, some of which modified by Decree 2019-1143 of 07/11/19) (Art. R6352.9, modified) For actions of training organized in sessions of a total duration of more than five hundred hours, a titular delegate and a substitute delegate are elected simultaneously by two-round single-member ballot.

All trainees are eligible voters. (Art. R6352.10, modified) The vote takes place during training hours. It takes place no earlier than twenty hours and no later than forty hours after the start of the first collective session. (Art. R6352.11)

The director of the training organization is responsible for organizing the vote. He or she ensures its smooth running. (Art. R6352.12, modified) When, at the end of the vote, it is found that the representation of the trainees cannot be ensured, the director draws up a report of deficiency.

Mandate and responsibilities of trainee delegates (according to the provisions of articles R6352.13 to 15 of the Labor Code, some of which modified by Decree 2019-1143 of 07/11/19) (Art. R6352.13, modified) The delegates are elected for the duration of the training. Their functions end when they stop participating in the training.

When the titular delegate and the alternate delegate have ceased their functions before the end of the training, a new election is carried out, under the conditions provided for in articles R.6352-9 to R.6352-12 of the Labor Code. (Art. R6352.14, modified)

The delegates make any suggestions to improve the progress of the training and the living conditions of the trainees in the training organization. They present individual or collective complaints relating to these matters, health and safety conditions at work and the application of the Rules of Procedure. (Art. R6352.15)

The provisions of this section (Articles R.6352.3 to R6352.14) are not applicable to trainees admitted to participate in vocational training activities.

Complaints procedure

Prospects, clients, trainees and the various stakeholders in the training action have the possibility at any time to make a complaint relating to the Organization’s training offers and services. Each complaint will be studied and a response will be provided to the sender as soon as possible. These Internal Rules come into force on September 7, 2021, and replace all previous versions.

Contact Almond Institute

+33 (0)2 55 59 01 11

Almond commits itself to ensure that the collection and processing of your data, carried out from the site, are in conformity with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and with the modified law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to the protection of personal data. The information collected on this form is recorded in a file computerized by Almond, in order to answer the requests for information. You can access the data concerning you, ask for their correction or their deletion. You also have a right of opposition, and a right to limit the processing of your data (see for more information on your rights). You can exercise your rights by contacting Almond's Data Protection Officer at the following address: [email protected]. Your data will be kept within the European Union, in accordance with the regulations in force.