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Update on Crowdstrike’s incident

On July 19, Crowdstrike published an update on the sensors deployed on customer’s endpoints that caused a production incident on Windows.

Interview : Découvrez les secrets d’une veille IT efficace !

Découvrez quelques secrets d’une veille IT efficace, partagés par notre consultante sénior Soukaïna ! Restez à jour avec les dernières tendances grâce à ses astuces personnelles, des outils comme Feedly et Google Alerts aux pratiques sur LinkedIn.

Note d’information – Découverte d’une backdoor dans XZ Utils

Sun Zu used to say that « the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. » Attackers on the gravy train might have this ability. This is what could have happened with a supply chain attack using compromised versions of the XZ Utils data compression library affecting several Linux distributions.