Vous êtes victime d’un incident de sécurité ? Contactez notre CERT


CWATCH on Chronicle SOAR

Managed Cyber security services

All companies, whatever their size and activity, are now regularly confronted with cyber-attacks and must be prepared, deploy an active defense, adapted to constantly evolving threats and information systems, and know who to count on in case of a major incident.
CWATCH services are the managed SOC/CERT services delivered by Almond, based on Chronicle SOAR, aimed at anticipating, deploying an active defense adapted to constantly evolving threats and information systems and being at your side in case of a major incident.

cwatch services

Anticipate and protect

  • Anticipate the threats that concern you and prepare yourself
  • Reduce the attack surface and vulnerabilities
  • Identify adversaries, prepare crisis mangement and good security posture

Detect cyberattacks

  • SOC CWATCH based on Chronicle SOAR
  • Monitor and detect attacks early
  • External monitoring and vigilance

Respond to security incidents

  • Respond to major security incidents and restore your operations in the best conditions

Chronicle soar benefits

One dedicated environment
per customer

Automation on remediation for
rapid response

Possible access to Chronicle SOAR by our customer (Managed User License)

Our key figures

SOC and CERT since 2016 and member
of InterCERT-FR
since 2020

Team of 30 analysts in France (all N1/N2/N3)
in rotation by
shift SOC/CERT

80 customers billed in 2022 for protection, detection and incident response activities


cwatch soc/cert managed services

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